Pluuster Bear's
Dreaming Dexter
HD: A |
Ch. Gillaber Pitscottie
HD: A |
Ch. Potterdale Premier HD: 5:5 |
Ch. Gillaber Highland
Lament HD: 1:2 |
Pluuster Bear's
Bounty Girl
HD: Tc |
Ch. Britannia Here
Comes The Son |
Pluuster Bear's Alice in
HD: Tc |
Full of the
Dickens Broadway Baby
HD: A/ CEA Clear |
Ch. Seagull To Be Or
Not To Be
HD:Tc |
Ch. Seagull Sweeps the
Board |
Coalacre Intrigue |
Ghostbusters Gentle
HD: A |
Ch. Willowmead Star
Turn HD: B |
Ghostbusters Beauly HD: A |