Braemoor's Sugar Syrup
HD: A     CEA Clear


26 September 2007 ~ 13 July 2021

Without a doubt the laziest beardie we have ever owned! Izzie was a real couch potato, rest and relaxation were always high on her list of priorities. That said, Izzie also enjoyed riling up the other dogs by barking and sprinting off, once she got everyone going she'd return to her sedate self and watch on with a proud look of accomplishment on her face at the chaos she'd created.

 Izzie loved food and attention as well, she'd never met a stranger and was a favourite with people young and old.


December 21, 2009 June 07, 2008: 8˝ months old

December 20, 2009

January 3, 2010 January 3, 2010

August 5, 2011: almost 4 years